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More Firefox Finger Swipes

Submitted by jrb on Tue, 07/14/2009 - 21:22

Some more Firefox finger swipes on the Mac:

  • Three-finger swipe up: Home key (top of the page)
  • Three-finger swipe down: End key (bottom of the page)
  • Three-finger swipe left: Browse back
  • Three-finger swipe right: Browse forward

You may need to go into about:config to set.  I didn't...

Enabling tabbing to select boxes in Firefox 3.5 on the Mac

Submitted by jrb on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 02:24

After upgrading to Firefox 3.5, I could no longer use the TAB key to move to select boxes on my Mac.  I found the solution on the Mozillazine Forums:


  1. Go to "about:config"
  2. Right click to manually create an "accessibility.tabfocus" entry as an integer
  3. Set the value to 3

Worked for me.

Multi-Touch Tab Switching in Firefox 3.5

Submitted by jrb on Thu, 06/25/2009 - 01:44

This is pretty cool-- you can enable Multi-Touch Tab Switching in Firefox 3.5.  On a Mac, this lets you switch between tabs by making a sorta twisting motion with your fingers on the touchpad.